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Business model

We innovate our business model with our SW® platforms, B2B dropshipping, and crowdfunding to generate income through online transactions.

CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® is an innovative and attractive company that focuses on generating revenue through its SW® platforms, debit and credit cards, B2B dropshipping, and crowdfunding. The business model is based on commissions ranging from 1% to 3% on SW® transactions and 10% on each B2B dropshipping and crowdfunding project financing transaction. In addition to these commissions, the company is constantly seeking new ways to monetize its features, such as selling advertising and consulting services.

The SW | SUPER WALLET® platform is one of CCSCEX®'s most important tools, allowing users to send and receive money in real-time worldwide, without the need for banking intermediaries. The company charges a commission ranging from 1% to 3% on each transaction, which represents a significant source of revenue.

On the other hand, CCSCEX®'s B2B dropshipping allows users to buy and sell a wide variety of products and services. The company charges a 10% commission on each transaction, including the sale of products and services. Additionally, the crowdfunding platform allows users to finance projects of all types. In this case, CCSCEX® charges a 10% commission on each project financing.

In addition to these sources of income, CCSCEX® also seeks to monetize other features on its platforms. The company is constantly exploring new ways to offer services and functionalities that provide value to its customers while allowing for additional revenue generation. Options being considered include selling advertising space and offering consulting and advisory services.

CCSCEX®'s business model focuses on generating revenue through transactions on its platforms, while continuously looking for new ways to monetize its features and services. This allows the company to continue growing and improving its platforms while providing quality service to its customers. Additionally, CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® will monetize other features through their corresponding launches.


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