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📊Invoicing with Cryptoassets

Value Added Tax.

Legal Basis: Article 69. The administration, collection, auditing, liquidation, collection, inspection and compliance with the tax provided for in this Constituent Decree, both with respect to taxpayers and to those under general administration, shall be the responsibility of the National Integrated Service of Customs and Tax Administration. For the purpose of issuing the invoice for the transactions indicated in Article 62 of this Law, it must be expressed in the currency, cryptocurrency, or cryptoasset in which the transaction was paid and its equivalent to the corresponding amount in bolivars. Likewise, both amounts must appear on the invoice with an indication of the applicable exchange rate, taxable base, tax, and total amount.

Constituent Decree on Partial Reform of the Decree with Rank, Value and Force of Law that establishes the Value Added Tax, Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 6.507 Extraordinary, dated January 29, 2020.


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