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🛠️Technical, Legal, and Accounting Requirements


  1. Comply with the registration of Administrative Providencia No. 008-2019, issued by SUNACRIP, which regulates the Comprehensive Registry of Services in Cryptoassets (RISEC). Published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 41.578, dated February 4, 2019.

  2. Use national exchanges duly authorized through operation licenses.

  3. Comply with the formalities of accounting records of operations and holdings of cryptoassets through the norms set out in Decree No. 4,025, which instructs natural and legal persons, public and private, on the obligation to register information and economic facts expressed in Sovereign Cryptoassets, without prejudice to their registration in Bolivars, as appropriate.

1. Legal Basis: Published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No.41.763, dated November 19, 2019 and the Application Bulletin of VEN-NIF No.12 Version No.0 "Holding of Own Cryptoassets", published by the Federation of Public Accountants Colleges of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Principles of Accounting VEN-NIF "Holding of Own Cryptoassets". General Extended Extraordinary Directory, dated February 15, 2020.


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