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The Traceability and Origin Denomination Blockchain

It is being built within the BNB Chain ecosystem using advanced blockchain technologies. This protocol has been specifically designed to meet the requirements for tracking and transparency in the supply chain. The platform enables the creation of digital certificates for traceability and origin designation that can be tracked throughout the supply chain of goods, ensuring the integrity of the information and increasing consumer confidence in the authenticity of the products they purchase.

The Traceability and Origin Denomination Blockchain by CCSCEX®

This traceability and origin designation blockchain provides a scalable and secure solution to ensure transparency and trust in the supply chain.

It will enable the implementation of an Inside label, QR code, or CCSCEX® cryptographic seal to provide each good with a unique and secure identification linked to the blockchain. This label or seal will allow for quick and easy verification of the authenticity and origin of products within the supply chain.

The CCSCEX® cryptographic seal will use advanced encryption and distributed storage techniques to ensure the security and privacy of the information, thus guaranteeing data integrity and preventing information tampering. Additionally, the Inside label will enable real-time traceability of products throughout the supply chain and provide a wealth of useful information for consumers and supply chain participants.


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