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📝Privacy and Information Security Policies Statement

CCSCEX® complies with current personal data protection regulations and takes measures to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of data provided by customers on its website or mobile application.

Users must read and accept the privacy and confidentiality policies before using the website or application.


In these policies, "Personal Data" refers to any information that directly or indirectly identifies users.

CCSCEX® will collect the following information:

Business Contact

Data to attend to inquiries and contact requests for CCSCEX® services and to maintain business relationships.


Information about activities, news, notices, reminders, and promotions related to CCSCEX® that may be of interest.


Data necessary to provide CCSCEX® services, which will be identified at the time of data collection and registration.

Corporate social media accounts

Personal data shared when following CCSCEX® corporate accounts on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Telegram.


Professional data provided by customers/suppliers to provide services and manage the legal or contractual relationship.


The use of the website or mobile application involves the collection and processing of certain personal data of users by CCSCEX®. By accepting these policies, users expressly consent to the collection, storage, and processing of their personal data by CCSCEX®.

CCSCEX® will use personal data in accordance with applicable regulations and will adopt adequate security and privacy measures to ensure the confidentiality of user data.

Users acknowledge that the collected information will be used for storage in the CCSCEX® database for internal purposes and to comply with established security and information protocols in accordance with applicable regulations.

Users agree that CCSCEX® may send advertising or promotional communications related to the company's products or services, similar to those that were contracted.

Users allow and acknowledge that CCSCEX® may disclose their personal information to judicial or governmental authorities within and outside the national territory, if necessary, through an order issued by competent authorities.

The provided personal data will be retained according to the interests of CCSCEX® and the deadlines established by applicable regulations.


We retain Personal Data to fulfill our legal obligations and for purposes related to our products and services.

CCSCEX® uses the data for the following purposes:

  • Analysis and management of our products and services.

  • Market research and development of new products

  • Improvement of our website products and services.

  • Identification of usage trends and evaluation of the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.

  • Measurement of customer satisfaction and statistical purposes.

  • Transfer to strategic partners for marketing, advertising, and promotion activities, in compliance with applicable regulations.

  • Presentation of reports to competent inspection, surveillance, and control authorities.

  • Design of security policies and methods for fraud prevention.


CCSCEX® shall not be held responsible for delays, interruptions or deficiencies in the website or mobile application caused by the Users' Internet and/or mobile phone service or external factors.

CCSCEX® shall not be responsible for damages, losses, expenses, or losses directly or indirectly derived from the use of the website or mobile application and/or the information contained therein.

CCSCEX® shall not be responsible for the Users' handling of their access codes, passwords, electronic signatures, certificates, and hardware where privileged information is stored.

CCSCEX® shall not be responsible for the mobile equipment used by the Users or for the loss, theft or robbery of said equipment that allows third parties to access the mobile application.

Users acknowledge that CCSCEX® is not obliged to control the absence of viruses or other harmful computer elements and that it is the Users' responsibility to implement adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful software programs.

CCSCEX® shall not be responsible for third-party software that interacts with the website or mobile application.

Users agree to abstain from:

  • Reproducing or copying, publishing, distributing, transforming, or modifying the contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights.

  • Deleting, circumventing or manipulating the "copyright" © and other identifying data of CCSCEX® rights incorporated in the contents.

  • Using the contents, and in particular, the information of any kind obtained through the CCSCEX® website, for sending advertising, direct sales communications, or for any other type of commercial purpose, unsolicited messages directed to a plurality of people regardless of their purpose, as well as abstaining from marketing or disclosing said information in any way.

  • In no way shall the downloading, accessing, and/or use of the website or mobile application be interpreted as giving Users any rights over them.


The Data Subject has the rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection and portability of their data. They may also withdraw their consent for the processing of their data by CCSCEX® and lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority. To exercise these rights, the Data Subject may send a communication to CCSCEX® attaching an identification document and specifying the right they wish to exercise via email to the address


The data collected is necessary for the request of the Data Subject. Refusal to provide mandatory data will prevent access to the service. Data may be voluntarily provided to improve services. If third-party data is provided, the Data Subject must inform them of the privacy policy. The Data Subject must inform CCSCEX® of any modification or correction of their personal data.


All rights reserved.

Last updated