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💻CCSCEX® Platform

We are pleased to have you here: thank you for using our website.

CCSCEX® (RIF J-500769890) is a company based in Caracas, Venezuela, offering a wide variety of products and services through its website and mobile application. Due to the diversity of products and services offered, additional conditions, requirements, or modifications to the general terms and conditions may apply in some cases. These additional conditions will be published on the corresponding page and will be part of the contract between the user and CCSCEX® when using such services.

It is important to note that any natural or legal person who accesses and registers on CCSCEX®'s website or mobile application will be considered a "User." By registering, the user fully and unreservedly accepts all terms and conditions in effect at that time.

Therefore, it is recommended that users carefully read the terms and conditions before accepting them to ensure that they agree to the rules and regulations established by the company.


By accessing and using CCSCEX®'s website or mobile application, the potential customer becomes a "User."

In this document, the term "The User" will be used in the singular and "The Users" in the plural to refer to users.

It is important that the user carefully read these terms and conditions each time they access the resources available on the portal. The condition of the user implies the full and unreserved acceptance of these terms and conditions, which are published on the website or mobile application and will be in effect at the time the user consults them.


These terms and conditions regulate the access and use of the website and mobile application, including its content, resources, and services made available to users by CCSCEX®.

Some services may require that the user register beforehand before being able to use them.


  • Affiliation to our services is FREE.

  • The User must provide the basic and general information requested by the System.


From General Registration

CCSCEX® assumes in good faith that the information and documentation provided by the User is truthful and accurate. However, the User is solely responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the information provided in the system. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User declares, under oath, the truthfulness of such information. Therefore, CCSCEX® assumes no responsibility for damages that may arise from incorrect identification of the User or from the lack of truthfulness, validity, or authenticity of the information provided by the User.

Access to the system will only be allowed through the introduction of basic registration data.

Additionally, the User agrees to use the products and services appropriately and not to use their account for purposes other than those initially intended. The User also agrees to diligently maintain and keep their password confidential, preventing others from accessing it. If any unauthorized use of the User's account by third parties is detected, the User agrees to immediately inform CCSCEX® through the "Contact Us" mailbox.

Data to be registered

In order to access and use our services, Users must provide certain personal information beforehand. Therefore, by completing and submitting any form with "Personal Data," the User expressly authorizes CCSCEX® to use such data under the terms and conditions expressed herein.

All natural persons, Venezuelan or foreign, residing in the country or not, over eighteen (18) years old can register on the portal.

Access to the system will be granted exclusively by entering the following data (name, last name, date of birth, telephone number, email, password, and password confirmation).

When selecting a password, the User must indicate a minimum of 6 symbols, at least 1 lowercase letter, at least 1 uppercase letter, and at least 1 non-letter character.

Upon registration on the platform, the User agrees to use the password diligently and to keep it secret. The User will be responsible for damages caused by third parties who use the password, as a result of negligent use or loss of these data by the user.

Opening and maintaining the Account

To open and maintain an account, the User must provide the following information:

  • Contact Information: When creating the account to use our products and services, the following information is necessary:


First name.

Last name.

Date of birth.

Economic activity.

Phone number.



Password confirmation.


Legal entity name.

Company name.

Date of Incorporation.

Economic activity.



Zip code.


Phone number.



Password confirmation.

  • It is the responsibility of the Users to keep their email and mobile phone number up-to-date, so that CCSCEX® can communicate electronically with them. In the event that CCSCEX® sends an electronic communication to the User, and it is not received because the registered primary email address is incorrect, out of date, or blocked by their service provider, or is otherwise not suitable to receive electronic communications, the User acknowledges and agrees that it has been validly delivered.

Validation and verification of information

  • In order to validate the User's accounts, CCSCEX® will progressively use all suitable, necessary and sufficient means, including those that allow determining whether a User corresponds to a Politically Exposed Person (PEP) or if they are a close relative of a PEP, or are associated with a PEP.

  • Users who complete the registration and activate their account will have the category of ACTIVE REGISTERED USER, and will be associated with a CCSCEX® account.

  • The User of the products and services, in their capacity, authorizes CCSCEX® directly or through third parties, to make all inquiries it deems necessary to validate their identity. These inquiries may include requesting more information or documentation, or comparing their information with third-party databases or other sources.

  • The documents uploaded by the User in the CCSCEX® system must correspond to the information provided at the time of registration. In case of inconsistency, the registration will not be approved, and CCSCEX® may request the document again.

  • In order to ensure the identity of the people with whom it establishes a commercial and/or contractual relationship, CCSCEX® reserves the right to verify and validate the User's identity, through suitable technological resources, in compliance with the system security measures and a good practice of the services it provides, in order to comply strictly with the internal policies, procedures and mechanisms to prevent ML/TF/FPADM and compliance with applicable regulations.

  • When it is not possible to verify the User's identity, due to incomplete registration information on the platform, or because the information provided does not correspond to the digitized support, or because the data on the support document could not be validated, the User will not be able to continue using the product or service.

The data cannot be validated due to:

  • illegible or invalid document, image with low resolution.

  • Information from the document that does not correspond, does not match the information registered in the system or is expired.

  • Deceased Person: CCSCEX® reserves the right to perform a life certificate verification of the User.

  • And for any other reason that CCSCEX® considers it is not possible to validate the User's verification and generates rejection.


1. The User shall be liable for any and all damages of any kind that CCSCEX® or any third party may suffer as a result of non-compliance with any of the obligations to which they are subject under these TERMS and CONDITIONS.

2. CCSCEX® does not control the access or use that Users make of the website, therefore, it does not guarantee that Users will use the website or mobile application, and its contents diligently and prudently, in accordance with the law, these TERMS and CONDITIONS, generally accepted morals and good customs, and public order, which excludes CCSCEX® from any liability for damages of any kind that may be due to the use by Users of the products, services and contents.

3. In case of doubts regarding the privacy and confidentiality practices, we invite you to review our "Privacy and Confidentiality Policy" on our website or mobile application, or to contact us through


The prevention and control of risks associated with Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism, and Financing of the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (hereinafter SIAR ML/TF/WMDFT) by CCSCEX® is guided by the applicable provisions of Venezuelan legislation, specifically as provided in the Constituent Decree on the Comprehensive System of Cryptoassets, dated January 30, 2019, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 41.575; and Resolution No. 012-2019, which regulates the operation of the Exchange Houses in the Comprehensive System of Cryptoassets, dated March 29, 2019, issued by the National Superintendence of Cryptoassets and Related Activities and published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 41.609, dated April 3, 2019. Article 6 of the fight against organized crime urges "Exchange Houses of Cryptoassets that have been granted an Operating License to comply with the relevant rules of the Organic Law that regulates the subject of organized crime, financing of terrorism, and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the recommendations issued by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), as well as the Organic Law that regulates the subject of Drugs (...)" as well as Resolution 044-2021 entitled "Rules regarding the Administration and Supervision of Risks related to ML/TF/WMDFT, applicable to Providers of Virtual Asset Services and to persons and entities that provide products and services through activities that involve virtual assets, in the Comprehensive System of Cryptoassets," issued by the National Superintendence of Cryptoassets and Related Activities and published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 42.110 on April 21, 2021.


The provision of the service of the website has an indefinite duration; however, CCSCEX® is authorized to terminate, suspend or unilaterally interrupt, at any time and with prior notice to the Regulating Entity in Venezuela, the provision of the service of the referred Internet site and any of the products and services.


These TERMS and CONDITIONS will be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. If any part or provision of the TERMS and CONDITIONS is impossible to comply with or is in conflict with the current legislation in the scope of its application, this will not affect the compliance of the remaining provisions or their validity.

The special domicile of Caracas is chosen, to whose courts they agree to submit.

For any suggestion or proposal, write to us through


These TERMS and CONDITIONS are declared effective from the date of their publication (January 2023) on the website


All rights reserved.

Last updated