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The entities responsible for coordinating transactions with crypto assets in Venezuela are comprised of public institutions, private organizations, social organizations, natural and legal persons

Organizations in charge of articulating crypto-asset transactions in Venezuela

Legal Basis: Article 7. Without prejudice to other organizational forms that may be created, which, in the opinion of the governing body, should be part of it, the Comprehensive System of Crypto Assets will have the interrelated and synergistic action of the National Superintendency of Crypto Assets and Related Activities (SUNACRIP), which will be in charge of its governance; the Treasury of Crypto Assets of Venezuela, S.A., the Exchange Houses, natural and legal persons, public or private, as well as the organized Popular Power, which is directly or indirectly linked to the subject of crypto assets.

Constituent Decree on the Comprehensive System of Crypto Assets, published in the Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 41,575, dated 01/30/2019.


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