⚠️Policy of NO Participation in Irregular Combat Groups
We promote the ethics and values of our organization, respecting human rights and international legality.
CCSCEX® celebrates the efforts made in the peace process and hopes for a successful reconciliation, strengthening democracy and contributing to a more sustainable future for our countries.
As a socially responsible company, we support initiatives that generate conditions for development and prosperity, especially for communities that have suffered from violence. We seek to compensate victims of human rights violations and promote values incorporated in our Code of Ethics, such as tolerance and respect for human rights.
We will continue working to improve the living conditions of our compatriots through structural changes that promote the transformation of society. In this sense, our "Policy of Non-Participation in Irregular Combat Groups" establishes the prohibition of any type of participation, adherence or financing of irregular combat groups in Venezuela and abroad, and we publicly condemn any violation of human rights.
We urge our suppliers, allies, and associates to follow similar practices to contribute to the construction of a more just and peaceful society.
CCSCEX® maintains its commitment to protect and promote human rights and, in that sense:
We do not allow company resources to be used for contributions or activities that promote participation in irregular combat groups.
The use of funds, properties, or other company resources to make contributions or offer things of value to members of those groups is also not allowed.
We do not tolerate the participation of our collaborators in activities that promote human rights violations.
Likewise, we do not tolerate any practice that violates these rights. CCSCEX® has adopted the "Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights" as part of our corporate policies.
All rights reserved.
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