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📝Basic Principles

An opportunity for future business relationships.

  • At CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE®, we strive to provide a safe and respectful experience for both our visitors and our company, whether in person or virtually.

  • By complying with our KYC (Know Your Customer) protocol, we comply with our legal obligations to prevent money laundering and terrorist financing, protect our company's property and information, and at the same time, provide our visitors, potential/future customers and clients with the opportunity to learn about our procedures and protocols.

  • All information provided during a virtual meeting or site visit is handled with strict confidentiality in accordance with applicable data protection laws and regulations. We are committed to protecting the privacy of our visitors, potential/future customers and clients through responsible handling of their personal data.

  • We understand that virtual meetings and/or visits to CCSCEX® headquarters are also an excellent opportunity to establish future business relationships. By following our protocol, our visitors, potential/future clients and customers can learn more about our company and ensure that future business relationships are secure and confidential.

We value the respect and understanding of our visitors, potential/future clients and customers, and thank you in advance for your cooperation in ensuring a safe and productive virtual meeting or site visit for both parties. We look forward to establishing successful business relationships in the future.


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