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Crowdfunding Financing.


Our platform is an innovative solution that helps entrepreneurs obtain the necessary funds to finance their projects in various areas, such as agriculture, mining, oil, gas, and livestock. We offer a comprehensive solution for project financing in these industries, using digital tools and the support of a community of investors.

On our platform, entrepreneurs can present their projects and obtain funding from a community of investors interested in supporting profitable and sustainable projects. We offer the "reward" investment option, which allows investors to get a stake in the project and its profitability.

We have a team of finance and technology experts who provide advice and guidance to entrepreneurs to ensure the success of their projects.

Entrepreneurs present their business projects to obtain the financial resources they need through an innovative financing mechanism. Entrepreneurs are responsible for generating all the information about the projects, while investors, after evaluating the project, decide to make their contribution.

In this process, CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® acts as an intermediary between investors and entrepreneurs. We transfer to entrepreneurs the amounts that investors have decided to contribute, the minimum contribution amount being one (1) Exchange Token ($EXT).

If the project does not reach the necessary funding, investors have the right to a refund of their contribution.


On our crowdfunding platform, we use smart contract technology to ensure efficient investment management and reliable returns for investors. Additionally, we use these contracts for the issuance and management of the tokens of our platform, which represent its assets and allow investors to participate in the benefits and profitability of the projects.

The use of smart contracts for the issuance and management of tokens allows us to guarantee greater security and transparency in all transactions carried out on our platform. This way, we can offer our users a more reliable and efficient investment experience.


The General Terms and Conditions govern the use of our crowdfunding platform. By accessing and/or using our platform, every user accepts the General Terms and Conditions, as well as all other policies and principles that govern the website, which are incorporated herein by reference. Therefore, it is important that every person reads, understands, and accepts the General Terms and Conditions before registering as an entrepreneur or investor.

CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® reserves the right to modify, alter or change the General Terms and Conditions at any time. Such modifications will be available on the platform for users to review. If a user does not agree with the changes made, they must communicate it by email to In this case, the relationship between the user and CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® will be dissolved.


The use of our crowdfunding platform is subject to the General Terms and Conditions, as well as the applicable laws in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and in the users' place of residence or activities. It is strictly forbidden to use the platform for illegal or contrary purposes to the aforementioned terms.

The user agrees not to use the platform for communications that violate the General Terms and Conditions or the applicable law. In case of non-compliance, CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® reserves the right to deactivate the user's account and reject future registration requests associated with their personal data.


CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® will notify in advance of any modification, suspension, or closure of the crowdfunding platform or any section of it. This notification will be made in compliance with the requirements established by the Regulatory Entity in Venezuela.


CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® shall not be liable for any damages, losses, or harm caused to the user as a result of system failures, server failures, or internet failures. It shall also not be held responsible for viruses that may infect the user's computer as a result of accessing, using, or examining the portal, or for the transfer of data, files, images, texts, or audios contained therein. Users may not hold CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® liable or demand payment for loss of earnings resulting from technical difficulties or system failures, or from problems with the internet.

It is important to note that CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® does not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access and use of the portal. The system may occasionally be unavailable due to technical difficulties, internet failures, or any other circumstances beyond the control of CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE®. In such cases, every effort will be made to restore service as quickly as possible, without CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® being held liable. It shall also not be held responsible for any errors or omissions contained in the portal.


All the information on the projects presented on the platform is developed, prepared, and presented by the entrepreneurs. CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® does not conduct analyses, provide advice or supplement the information provided, and therefore assumes no responsibility for its content.

Consequently, it is the user's responsibility to act diligently when making the decision to undertake or participate in a project and to carefully verify the information provided by other users. It is recommended that each user conducts their own research and analysis before making any investment decisions.

The portal and all its content are provided "as is," without any kind of warranty, whether express or implied. CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, profitability, return, results, suitability, suitability of the projects, accuracy of the information, ownership of the intellectual property rights of the projects, or any other fact that is under the control of other users.


In no event shall CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE®, its collaborators, suppliers, advisors, or any other natural or legal person involved in the creation of the platform and its contents, be liable for damages or injuries, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, lost profits, punitive, or other damages, that may arise from any circumstance related to the platform or its contents. This includes, but is not limited to, damages or delays in operations or transmissions, security breaches, online failures, defamatory content, offensive or illegal conduct of any user, computer viruses, worms, trojans, or other harmful components, as well as the loss of opportunities or chances.

It is important for users to note that the information provided by entrepreneurs is developed, prepared, and presented by themselves, so CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® does not analyze, provide advice or supplement such information, and therefore assumes no responsibility for its content. In this regard, users must act diligently when making the decision to undertake or participate in a project and carefully verify the information provided by other users.

The platform may include links to third-party web pages and applications, and it is the user's sole responsibility to evaluate whether they want to access them. CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® is not responsible for the content, features, advertising, products or other materials found on such web pages or applications, and therefore, the user assumes all risks and releases CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® from liability as a result of their use. Finally, it is important to note that the portal and all of its content are provided "as is," without express or implied warranties of any kind, including but not limited to profitability, return, results, fitness and suitability of the projects, ownership of the intellectual property rights of the projects, and any other fact that is under the control of other users.


The platform and all of its contents, including, among others, articles, photographs, illustrations, graphics, videos, audios, software, trademarks, names and logos (together, the "Intellectual Property"), are protected by copyright, trademarks, and other applicable laws. CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® is the owner of the intellectual property of the platform and its content.

Reproduction, duplication, copying, sale, or any commercial use of the platform and its content is prohibited without the prior written consent of CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE®.

However, users may explore the platform and download small amounts of material for personal and non-commercial use. In any case, users must protect the copyrights, trademarks, and other notices contained in their personal copies and not reproduce them or make them electronically available, save or archive a significant portion of the platform material, or alter or modify the content.

Users may not copy, download, display, distribute, publish, access the database, modify, create derivative works, transmit, publish, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or in any other way use the intellectual property contained in the platform.

CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® reserves all rights to the platform and its content, as well as the right to modify or remove any part of the platform and its content without prior notice.


CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® is not the owner or holder of the Projects published on the crowdfunding platform. Therefore, CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® does not participate in the completion of transactions between Users, nor in the conditions agreed upon by them for such transactions. Consequently, CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® is not responsible for the existence, quality, quantity, condition, integrity or legitimacy of ownership of the projects. Likewise, CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® does not guarantee the truthfulness of the personal data entered by users.

The User acknowledges and accepts that by carrying out transactions with other users, they do so at their own risk. In no case shall CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® be responsible for damages, including loss of profit, consequential damages, immaterial damages, moral damages, personal injury or any other damage that the user may have suffered due to transactions carried out or not carried out through the portal.

CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® recommends acting with prudence, common sense, and due diligence when carrying out transactions with other users, participants or entrepreneurs.

In addition, CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® reserves the right to take measures such as warning, temporarily suspending, or definitively disabling a user's account or publication. CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® will take the actions it deems necessary in case a user: (i) fails to comply with their commitments as a user; (ii) engages in conduct or acts that are fraudulent or malicious according to the criteria of CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE®; (iii) their identity cannot be verified or any information provided by them is incorrect; and (iv) CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® considers that the publications or other actions may be a cause of liability for the user who posted them, for CCSCEX | CARACAS COMMODITY EXCHANGE® or for other users.


Location: Torre Últimas Noticias, Piso 11 La Urbina, Caracas, Venezuela.



Social Media: @ccscex

Call Center: 0 800 CCSCEX 00 / 0 800 227239 00


Any dispute that may arise from access or use of the Website is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Caracas, Venezuela.


These TERMS and CONDITIONS are declared valid from the date of their publication (January 2023) on the website


All rights reserved.

Last updated