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Exchange are legal entities whose main objective is to provide an online platform for natural and legal persons to carry out basic commercial exchange operations between crypto assets and cryptocurrencies, as is the case with SW | SUPER WALLET®.

Exchange are institutions within the Integral System of Crypto Assets, where exchange operations are carried out, as provided for in Article 49, paragraphs 49.1 to 49.10 of the General Conditions for the Operation of Exchange in the Integral System of Crypto Assets, such as:

  • Exchange of cryptocurrencies for cryptocurrencies.

  • Exchange of fiat currency for cryptocurrencies.

  • Exchange of cryptocurrencies for fiat money.

  • Purchase and sale of crypto assets.

  • Custody of funds in fiat currency and crypto.

  • Payment processing.

Legal Basis: General Conditions for the Operation of Exchange in the Integral System of Crypto Assets.

These General Conditions establish the operational, technical, and organizational standards for the operation of Exchange in the Integral System of Crypto Assets of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. They were approved by the Executive Council of Intendents of the National Superintendence of Crypto Assets and Related Activities (SUNACRIP) in an ordinary session on February 1st, 2019, in exercise of its powers established in paragraphs 2 and 8 of Article 23 of the Constituent Decree on the Integral System of Crypto Assets.


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