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📆Calendar for Special Taxpayers and Withholding Agents

Tax Obligations to be Fulfilled in the 2023 Fiscal Year

On November 29, 2022, Official Gazette No. 42,515 published Administrative Provision No. SNAT/2022/000068, which establishes the Calendar for Special Taxpayers (SPE) and Withholding Agents for obligations to be fulfilled in 2023.

Key Points: It is established that declarations, payments, and other obligations of Special Taxpayers (SPE) related to:

  • Value Added Tax (VAT);

  • Income Tax (ISLR), including its advances;

  • Tax on Gambling Activities;

  • Tax on Large Wealth (IGP);

  • Payment of amounts withheld by withholding agents regarding ISLR and VAT;

  • Payment of amounts collected as an agent for the Tax on Large Financial Transactions (IGTF); and

  • Contribution of seventy percent (70%) of the income from Decentralized Services or Autonomous Services and Decentralized Entities

must be made according to the last digit of the Single Tax Information Registry (RIF) number and on the due dates established in the Provision, which are as follows:

VAT, ISLR Advances, IGTF, and VAT Withholdings:

Between the 1st and 15th of each month, inclusive:

Between the 1st and 15th of each month, inclusive

Between the 16th and the last day of each month, inclusive

Between the 16th and the last day of each month, inclusive

Income Tax Estimates (declaration and payment of regular and irregular portions)

Declaration and payment of portions for regular and irregular periods

ISLR Withholdings

ISLR Withholdings

Gambling Activities

Gambling Activities

ISLR Withholdings on Lottery Prizes

Withholdings practiced between the 1st and 15th of each month, inclusive:

Withholdings practiced between the 1st and 15th of each month, inclusive

Special Taxpayers (SPE) who exclusively carry out exempt or excluded activities must submit the quarterly Value Added Tax (VAT) informative declaration according to the last digit of the RIF, on the due dates specified in the 2023 calendar as indicated in the article of the Provision.

The quarterly VAT declaration will generate Income Tax (ISLR) advances for the special taxpayers mentioned in this article, which must be paid on the date specified in the respective payment commitment.

Declarations for the Annual Self-Assessment of Income Tax (ISLR) for natural and legal persons, for fiscal years other than January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, must be submitted and paid by the due dates established in the Administrative Provision. Accordingly, a natural person as a special taxpayer must present the second portion 20 continuous days after the due date set by this Provision for the submission of the income declaration, and the third portion 40 continuous days after the due date set in this Administrative Provision, as stipulated in Article 1, 3rd Paragraph of Administrative Provision No. SNAT/2003/1697, dated March 18, 2003, published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 37.660, dated March 28, 2003.

Taxpayers engaged in mining or hydrocarbon activities and related activities, such as refining and transportation, whether they receive royalties from these operations or obtain gains from the export of minerals, hydrocarbons, or their derivatives, must submit the estimated enrichment declaration within the first forty-five (45) continuous days after the end of the fiscal year. This requirement is in accordance with Article 158 of the Income Tax Law Regulations, published in Official Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela No. 5.662 Extraordinary, dated September 24, 2003.

Taxpayers classified as special who engage in economic activities other than mining, hydrocarbon activities, and related activities, and who do not receive royalties from such operations, must declare and pay the advances of Income Tax and Value Added Tax (VAT) according to the schedule established in literal (a) of Article 1 of Administrative Provision No. SNAT/2022/000068.

Declarations and payments for taxes not mentioned in Article 1 of this Administrative Provision must be made on the due dates established in the current legal regulations.

Non-compliance with the obligations established in this Administrative Provision will be penalized according to the provisions of the Constituent Decree that issues the Organic Tax Code.

Effective Date The Provision came into effect on November 29, 2022.


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